Water soluble multivitamin premix

Business Unit:  Animal Health,  Poultry

Medicine Type: 


Generic Name: Water soluble multivitamin premix

Indication: Duck, Hen, Pegion and Coil: It is used for diarrohea, travelling stress, during vaccination, high humidity, during anthelmintic use, debugging, access heat or cold, lack of appetite, arrival of day old chiks in the farm and during antibiotic use.

Dosage & Administration: Duck-Hen,Coyle & Pigeon: Treatment;Mix 1 gm Powder in 2.5-5 liters of water and feed for 3 -5 Consecutive Days. Prevention:Mix 1 gm Powder in 5-10 liters of water and feed for 5-7 Consecutive Days.

Preparation: 100gm