Composition: Each 5 ml Contains Zinc (as zinc sulfate monohydrate) 10 mg USP.
Mode Of Action: Zinc improves water and electrolyte absorption and improves the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium, increases enzyme levels, enhances immunity and helps to clean germs.
- Promotes healthy skin and coat.
- Prevents excessive hair loss.
- Increases appetite of pet.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Prevents diarrhea & reduced Stress.
- Improves eye sight & vision.
- Boosts reproductive function and immunity.
- Helps to produce a variety of hormones.
- Assists in cell division, DNA and RNA replication.
- Serve as antioxidant involve in removal of free radicals.
- Ensures feather growing, regular body growth, egg fertility of Bird.
Dosages & Administration:
Given orally once a day or as prescribed by registered veterinarian.
Small & Medium breeds ( Dog, Cat & Rabbit):
For Puppies/Kitten ages (2 weeks- 1 month): 3 ml a day twice daily for 3-5 days.
Medium Breeds (1-6 months): 4 ml a day twice daily for 3-5 days.
Large Breeds (6 months): 5 ml a day twice daily for 3-5 days.
Birds (Parakeets or Budgies, Cockatiels & Lovebirds)
Prevention: 3-4 ml/ 1 liter drinking water daily for 5-7 days.
Treatment: 2-3 ml/ 1 liter drinking water daily for 5-7 days.
Side Effects: Nausea, stomach upset, heartburn may occur.
Precaution: When ingested in excessive quantities can irritate the stomach, resulting in nausea and spontaneous vomiting.