
Chemist web > Injectable


Tiemonium Methylsulfate 5mg/2ml

Business Unit: Human

Medicine Type: Injectable

Generic Name: Tiemonium Methylsulfate 5mg/2ml

Therapeutic Class: Anticholinergics - antispasmodic

Indication: Tienum is a preparation of Tiemonium Methylsulphate. Tiemonium Methylsulphate is an antispasmodic drug that reduces muscles spasm of the intestine, biliary system, bladder and uterus. Tienum is used in the symptomatic treatment of pain related to functional disorders of the digestive tract and biliary system. It is also indicated for the treatment of spasm and pain in urological and gynecological diseases.

Dosage & Administration: 1 ampoule (5mg) by slow IV/IM injection 3times daily.

Preparation: Each box contains 5 ampoules of 2 ml.