
"Oxytetracycline Dihydrate BP Vet 100 mg/ml Lidocaine Hydrochloride BP 20 mg / ml" Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Injectable Generic Name: "Oxytetracycline Dihydrate BP Vet 100 mg/ml Lidocaine Hydrochloride BP 20 mg / ml" Indication: "Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep: Pneumonia, bronchaities, naval ill, anthrax, black quarter, dysentry, diarrohea, foot root,mastitis, uterine burnong, castration, burning wound, white secration in calf, secondary bacterial infection in foot and mouth disease." Dosage & Administration: 1 ml/ 10 kg...

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Oxytetracycline Dihydrate BP 50 mg / ml Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Injectable Generic Name: Oxytetracycline Dihydrate BP 50 mg / ml Indication: "Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep: Pneumonia, bronchities, naval ill, anthrax, black quarter, dysentry, diarrhoea, foot root,mastitis, uterine burnong, castration, burning wound, white secration in calf, secondary bacterial infection in foot and mouth disease." Dosage & Administration: "1 ml/ 10 kg every 24 hours interval 3 to 5 days." Preparation: "100ml" ...

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Tylosin Tartrate BP 200 mg / ml Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Injectable Generic Name: Tylosin Tartrate BP 200 mg / ml Indication: "Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep: Anthrax, black quarter, disease in respiratory and digestive system, pneumonia, uterus burning, burning wound, urinary infection. It also works in micoplasma, ricketsia and clamidia." Dosage & Administration: "small animal: 1 ml/10-20 kg large animal: 1 ml/20 kg " Preparation: "10ml, 100 ml" ...

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Trichlorfon USP 10 gm in each sachet Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Powder Generic Name: Trichlorfon USP 10 gm in each sachet Indication: Cattle, Buffalo, Camel, Horse Goat, Sheep, Dog & Cat: Hump sore in cattle,ring worm, lice, mite. Dosage & Administration: 5 gm powder mixed with 100 gm vaseline or oil and use twice per day for 2-3 days. Preparation: 10gmx20 ...

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Each 20 gm contain Ammonium Bicarbonate BP 5 gm ,Sodium Bicarbonate BP 13 gm, Nuxvomica BP 1.4 gm, Ginger BP 0.305 gm, Gentian BP 0.3 gm Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Powder Generic Name: Each 20 gm contain Ammonium Bicarbonate BP 5 gm ,Sodium Bicarbonate BP 13 gm, Nuxvomica BP 1.4 gm, Ginger BP 0.305 gm, Gentian BP 0.3 gm Indication: " Cattle,Buffalo,CamelGoat,Sheep&Calf: Inappitite, bloat, intestinal burning, lack of appitite." Dosage & Administration: "Adult-...

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Sodium Carbonate BP 40 mg/ ml Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Liquid Generic Name: Sodium Carbonate BP 40 mg/ ml Indication: Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep : It is used for washing mouth, muzzle, foot in case of foot & mouth disease. Dosage & Administration: It is administered externally. To be washed in affected area 2 to 3 times daily, until fully cured. or as the direction of a registered Veterinary Preparation: 500 ml ...

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"Retinol Palmitate (Vitamin A):500,000 I.U Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) : 75,000 I.U Alpha Tocoferol Acetate (Vitamin E): 50 mg" Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Injectable Generic Name: "Retinol Palmitate (Vitamin A):500,000 I.U Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) : 75,000 I.U Alpha Tocoferol Acetate (Vitamin E): 50 mg" Indication: "Cattle, Calf, Buffalo, Colt, Goat, Sheep and Horse: Prevention and Treatment of vitamin A,D3 and E deficiency disease,improve digestive system,bone development and skin conditioning,increase fattening, production of...

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Ivermectin BP-500.00 mg Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Liquid Generic Name: Ivermectin BP-500.00 mg Indication: Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep : Round worm in intestine, lung worm and external parasite such as lice, mite and blood sucking flee. Dosage & Administration: Pour the Solution Slowly from Neck to Tail 1 ml/10 kg Body Weight of the Cattle. Preparation: 15 ml ...

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Multivitamin Premix for Ruminants Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy Medicine Type: Powder Generic Name: Multivitamin Premix for Ruminants Indication: To ensure the supply of vitamins and minerals, increase physical growth, increase fertility Dosage & Administration: Fish: 1-3 gm/kg per meal Shrimp: 3-4 gm/kg per meal Preparation: "100gm, 500gm, 1kg" ...

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Glutaraldehyde USP 15 gm / 100 ml Benzalkonium Chloride BP10 gm / 100 ml Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy, Poultry Medicine Type: Liquid Generic Name: Glutaraldehyde USP 15 gm / 100 ml Benzalkonium Chloride BP10 gm / 100 ml Indication: Poultry: Broad spectrum disinfectant, poultry dish washing, egg washing, farm cleaning. Dairy: Farm cleaning, milk pot washing, foot and tongue washing in FMD, udder cleaning, mastitis. Dosage & Administration: Regular Disinfection :Mix 2.5 ml Bioclean Plus 1...

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