Chempro (Vet) Injection
Chempro (Vet) Injection
Each m contains Cloprostenol sodium BP 250 micrograms.
• Enestrus Pyometra or chronic endometritis
and mummified fetuses.
• Estrus synchronization
and helps in ovulation, luteolysis and uterine smooth muscle contraction.
Mechanism of action: Cloprostenol sodium is a synthetic reproductive hormone analog of prostaglandin and structurally related to prostaglandin F2 (PGF2).
Dosages & Administration : For use in meat only- Anestrus, cystic ovarian disease, pyometra: 2-4 ml should be injected into the flesh in a single or repeated dose in the mid-anterior part of the neck. For mummified fetuses: 2 ml injection should be applied into the flesh as a single or repeated dose.
For Estus Synchronization:
Cows: Apply injection on 1st day and 11th day then inseminate twice between 72 hours to 96 hours after 2nd injection.
Buckna: Apply injection on 1st day and 11th day then inseminate twice between 48 hours to 72 hours after 2nd injection.
Or, use as directed by a registered veterinarian.
Contraindications: Use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, use in pregnant animals not requiring termination of pregnancy.
Side Effects: Mild side effects may occur in some cases, including increased discomfort, slight salivation, and loss of milk.
Special Precautions: Do not administer intravenously.
Use in Pregnancy and Lactating Animals: Do not use in pregnant animals as it may cause abortion.
Withdrawal period: Meat: 2 days, Milk: 0 days.
Storage: 2-8°C. In the meantime, store in a cool and dark place. Keep out of reach of children.
Supply: 2 ml vial.