Each 100 gm contains Gentamicin Sulphate BP 31.20gm(Equivalent to Gentamicin BP 20 gm)
Business Unit: Animal Health, Dairy, Poultry
Medicine Type: Injectable, Powder
Generic Name: Each 100 gm contains Gentamicin Sulphate BP 31.20gm(Equivalent to Gentamicin BP 20 gm)
Indication: Poultry:Cases of diarrhoea and bacterial enteric infection caused by E.coli,Salmonella,Pasterulla etc. For reduction of early chick mortality (due to bacterial infections) in the newly hatched chicks. Cattle,Goats &Sheep: Case of Enteritis,Scours,Bloody diarrhoea due to E.coli, Salmonella etc. and Vibrionic dysentery.Prevention from early mortality of neonates,young animals and weaner.
Dosage & Administration: Poultry: 1 gm per 2 liters of drinking water for 3-5 days. Cattle,Sheep & Goat (and off-spring): 3 gm per 20kg body weight twice daily for 3-5 days (30 mg/kgbody weight).
Preparation: Oral powder (VET) 10×10 gm, 100ml, 10ml