
Each 100 gm contains Neomycin Sulphate BP 70 gm Business Unit:  Animal Health,  Poultry Medicine Type:  Powder Generic Name: Each 100 gm contains Neomycin Sulphate BP 70 gm Indication: Used for treating the animal enteritis due to Staphylococcus, Shigella dysenteriae, E.Coli,Salmonella and campylobacter,proteus etc. Dosage & Administration: Poultry: 1gm/6-7 liter drinking water for 3-5 days. Calves,goat & Sheep: 10 mg Neomycin Sulphate per kg body weight for 3-5 days. Preparation: 100 gm ...

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Each 100 gm Contains : Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) BP 100 gm. Business Unit:  Animal Health, Poultry Medicine Type:  Powder Generic Name: Each 100 gm Contains : Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) BP 100 gm. Indication: Directions: Increase immunity to Poultry, Increase body weight & egg production, improve hatching quality & increase egg fertility, To reduce the shell defects of laying hens, during various stresses such as during antibiotic uses, during vaccination, due...

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Per 25 gm powder contains: Sodium Bicarbonate BP 12.50 gm, Sodium chloride BP 6.65 gm, Dextrose BP 4.50 gm, Potasium Chloride BP 1.25 gm, Vitamin A BP 50000 IU. Business Unit:  Animal Health,  Poultry Medicine Type:  Powder Generic Name: Per 25 gm powder contains: Sodium Bicarbonate BP 12.50 gm, Sodium chloride BP 6.65 gm, Dextrose BP 4.50 gm, Potasium Chloride BP 1.25 gm, Vitamin A BP 50000 IU. Indication: Duck, Hen,Pegion, Coil: Chemolyte plus...

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Water soluble multivitamin premix Business Unit:  Animal Health,  Poultry Medicine Type:  Powder Generic Name: Water soluble multivitamin premix Indication: Duck, Hen, Pegion and Coil: It is used for diarrohea, travelling stress, during vaccination, high humidity, during anthelmintic use, debugging, access heat or cold, lack of appetite, arrival of day old chiks in the farm and during antibiotic use. Dosage & Administration: Duck-Hen,Coyle & Pigeon: Treatment;Mix 1 gm Powder in 2.5-5 liters of water and...

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Each 100 ml Contains : Vitamin B 12: 3 mcg, DL-Methionin: 55mg, Choline chloride: 500mg, L-Lysine: 27.5 mg, Inositol: 10 mg, Sorbitol: 50 mg, Business Unit: Animal Health, Poultry Medicine Type:  Liquid Generic Name: Each 100 ml Contains : Vitamin B 12: 3 mcg, DL-Methionin: 55mg, Choline chloride: 500mg, L-Lysine: 27.5 mg, Inositol: 10 mg, Sorbitol: 50 mg, Indication: "Each 100 ml Contains : Vitamin B 12: 3 mcg, DL-Methionin: 55mg, Poultry: Eliver...

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Toltrazuril INN-25 mg/ ml Composition:Toltrazuril INN-25 mg/ ml Indications:  Broiler, Layer and Chick: Protocare (vet) is very effective for all type of Eimeria protozoa such as E. tanella. E. necatris. E. acervulinna, E. maxima, E. brunette. E. mitis, which is responsible for coccidiosis of poultry. Mode Of Action: Toltrazuril inhibits the activity of protozoal nuclei and mitochondria. It renders useless all the intracellular stages of Eimeria species and acts...

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Per ml Contains Ciprofloxacin USP 100 mg. Business Unit:  Animal Health, Poultry Medicine Type:  Liquid Generic Name: Per ml Contains Ciprofloxacin USP 100 mg. Indication: Poultry: It is indicated infectious corayza, fowl cholera, fowl typhoid, salmonelosis, CRD or microplasmosis, duck anatipestifar, newcastle diseases, infectious bursal disease, and prevention of any type of secondary bacterial infection in viral disease. Dosage & Administration: Poultry: For Prevention:1 ml Orciflox 10% oral solution mix with 4-8 liter water...

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Cypermethrin Business Unit:  Crop Care Medicine Type: Insecticide Generic Name: Cypermethrin Indication: Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate; Type of Action : Contact & Stomach; Country of Origin : China; Major Crops : Rice, Brinjal, Tomato, Okra (Lady's Finger), Cotton, Country Bean, Soybean etc. Major Target Pests : Rice Hispa, Rice Bug, Leaf Roller, Hopper, Fruit Borer, Bollworm, Pod Borer etc. Dosage & Administration: Dose Per Acre : Varies from 100 ml - 400 ml (depending...

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Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate USP Business Unit:  Human Medicine Type: Tablet Generic Name: Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate USP Therapeutic Class: Specific mineral preparations Indication: Zeenee (Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate) is indicated in zinc deficiency and/or zinc losing conditions. Zinc deficiency can occur as a result of inadequate diet or mal-absorption. Excessive loss of zinc can occur in trauma, burns, diarrhea and protein losing conditions. A zinc supplement is given until clinical improvement occurs but it may need...

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Imidachloprid Business Unit:  Crop Care Medicine Type: Insecticide Generic Name: Imidachloprid Indication: Formulation : Soluble Liquid; Physical Condition : Liquid; Type of Action : Contact & Stomach; Country of Origin : Singapore; Major Crops : Rice, Sugarcane, Tea, Brinjal, Tomato, Okra (Lady's Finger), Cotton, Country Bean, Betel Leaf, Mango, Litchi, Cucurbits, Water Melon etc. Major Target Pests : Brown Plant Hopper, Green Leaf Hopper, Aphid, Jassid, White Fly, Fruit Fly etc. Mite...

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